Just a smiley person standing in front of a spinning globe, trying to make a difference

in my small world.



Kath Berry


Author | Acupuncturist

Open water swimmer 

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Employing someone to build things for you is not the same as learning how to do it yourself. As you increase your technical competency, your confidence and independence will soar.

New Skills

I teach you the technical skills and the processes to make and sell videos in automated pipelines. As well as how to schedule emails to repeat "evergreen" sales funnels. This is "passive income".

Earning Power

It feels good to be able to create a learning journey for someone else based on your acquired knowledge. You'll get a feeling of accomplishment when you launch and rewards when you succeed.

Overcome Fear | Gain Confidence

The hardest part about offering TeleHealth or launching an online training course is knowing where to start.

I help you every step of the way from addressing your fears; limiting beliefs and overcoming uncomfortable feelings to recording and producing your course material.

I have a simple system - using the most affordable and easy to use platforms, so I have a proven model of how to make money online without spending a fortune or getting snagged with high running costs.

I can help you if you:

  • Are motivated to help other people
  • Want to make a difference to the world
  • Have the capacity to grow and learn
  • Are prepared to take a leap of faith (taking yourself out of your comfort zone)
  • Believe in ~ and invest in ~ yourself
  • Trust me to support you

Let's get started!

Apply to learn with Kath Berry

Limitless possibilities

New technologies have given us an unprecedented opportunity to connect beyond geographic boundaries. Be part of the Knowledge Commerce movement and influence change by sharing your expertise with others. I'll be behind you every step of the way.

Don't let technology be a barrier

Technology can be daunting if you don't know where to start. I have taught myself every aspect of video production: webinar recording, editing, course design, marketing and automations and can teach you how to do this  - in the cheapest way possible!

My unique offering:


I give you a map and teach you what you need to know, with a step by step task list. I teach you both the technical skills and the processes to make and sell videos.


I encourage you to take the leap and launch - or expand - your online business at a pace that suits you. Everything is tailored to your needs. Tell me, what do you need?


Through regular meetings and email support I keep you on track. Together we set realistic goals and my job is to help you achieve them by overcoming obstacles.

What Is Knowledge Commerce?

Knowledge Commerce is monetisation of the process you use to share your knowledge. It is an evolution of the e-learning or online learning industry which gives you a platform to inspire others by sharing your expertise and getting paid for your unique skills through the provision of webinars, video tutorials, podcasts and online consultancy.


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